Ventures in Christian Discipleship

Equipping lay people of all ages and education levels with skills and understandings for faithful and dynamic Christian living, action, and leadership with special emphasis on small congregations.

2024-2025 Courses

“Supporting Children Overwhelmed by Anxiety”

Saturday, September 7, 2024
10:00am-1:00pm Central Time

Presenter: John Wenger and Adam Wenger
.3 CEU credit

Course Description and Presenter Information

Anxiety is a part of all our lives. It creates both positive and negative effects on us. In children, stress and anxiety can be overwhelming and establish negative life patterns that continue through adulthood. Some anxiety may motivate and increase focus. Too much or sustained anxiety can reduce effectiveness and become overwhelming and debilitating.

Children develop their own idea of personal achievement and self-worth, and their views can affirm or create an image of themselves as a failure or foster unrealistic expectations. This can become a vicious cycle of anxiety and self-defeating behaviors.

In this class, we will explore the many causes of anxiety in children. We will examine the influences, both positive and negative, from the family, neighborhood, peers, school, outside activities, video games, and social media. We will explore the effect of national and world events on their perceived view of danger, concern, or safety.

John Wenger is a psychologist and graduate of Manchester College. He received his Ph.D. from Purdue University and worked as a counselor for 49 years, mostly in private practice. Now retired, he consults with the county Mental Health Court. John is a member of the Anderson (Ind.) Church of the Brethren and has served the church as District Moderator and on the Association of Brethren Caregivers board and the Mission and Ministry Board. Currently, he is a board member at Timbercrest Senior Living Community.

Adam Wenger graduated from Manchester College and received his master’s in Psychology at Ball State University. He is quality assurance specialist at the Indianapolis Head Start Agency.

“Happiness in Hard Times: A View from the Psalms”

Tuesdays, October 8 & 15, 2024
6:30 – 8:30 pm Central

Presenter: Steve Reid
.4 CEU credit

Course Description and Presenter Information

Why do we think of these as hard times? We will touch on this slightly in this session, but what will occupy us more is, how do the Psalms characterize the “happy.” The book of Psalms uses the term happy several times. We will carefully examine these and simultaneously explore how we pursue happiness.

Stephen Breck Reid joined the faculty of George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University in the fall of 2008 and, in 2022, was appointed Vice Provost for Faculty Diversity and Belonging. He holds a B.S. in religion from Manchester University, an M.Div. from Bethany Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Emory University. He has served on several seminary faculties, including as academic dean and professor of Old Testament Studies at Bethany Theological Seminary. Dr. Reid is ordained in the Church of the Brethren and has served as pastor in several congregations.

Steve and his wife Kathy have four children and six grandchildren. They share the house with two golden doodles Poe and Finn of Star Wars fame.

“Understanding Your Grief to Find Hope and Healing”

Tuesdays, November 19 & 26, 2024
7:00 – 8:30 pm Central

Presenter: Chris Whitacre and Kathy Reid
.3 CEU credit

Course Description and Presenter Information

We all have experienced loss in varying degrees. How do we define or understand loss? How do we feel about loss? What do we believe about loss? What do we believe about death and dying? How do we manage loss if we manage it at all? This course will attempt to open doors to new learning and reflection about loss within our lives. The book Understanding Your Grief, 2nd edition by Dr. Alan Wolfelt will be referenced; Companioning will be explored as a model for grief care; and the Six Needs of Mourners will be highlighted.

Chris Whitacre has served as chaplain at The Cedars Retirement Community for the past 18 years. As a volunteer he has worked with Hospice and death and dying workshops, and he has led and co-led bereavement groups for 15 years. Over a three year period, Chris received bereavement training from Dr. Alan Wolfelt, Center for Loss and Life Transition, Ft. Collins, Colo. He is a graduate of McPherson College and Bethany Theological Seminary.

Chris lives in McPherson, Kan. with his spouse Kathryn. They have two adult children.  Chris was born in Virginia into a Church of the Brethren pastor’s family where transitions were very much a part of his life landscape.

Kathy Reid is an ordained minister in both the Church of the Brethren and the Mennonite Church USA. She has served in a variety of executive leadership roles, including as executive director of the Association of Brethren Caregivers and as executive director of the Family Abuse Center in Texas. She has been retired three years and is now serving in interim executive director positions at several non-profit organizations. Kathy is married to Dr. Stephen Reid. They have four children and seven grandchildren.

“Luke and Acts: Turning the World Upside Down”

Tuesdays, February 11 & 18, 2025
6:30-8:30 pm Central Time

Presenter: Chris Bucher and Bob Neff
.4 CEU credit

Course Description and Presenter Information

This course will examine the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts as two key biblical texts for the Church of the Brethren. First, we will look at the way Luke structures the Gospel as a “Life of Jesus,” focusing especially on the birth and infancy narratives and the passion and post-resurrection narratives. Second, we will look at the nature of the “gatherings” formed by the apostles in the book of Acts and reasons they were thought to be “turning the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Third, we address the theme of “inclusivity” as it appears in Jesus’ teaching in the Nazareth synagogue (Luke 4) and in the story of the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8). Fourth, we will discuss Luke’s “open-ended narrative style” that invites his audience into the story he tells. Each class session will offer opportunities for Q&A and discussion.

Chris Bucher is emerita professor of religious studies at Elizabethtown College. She serves on the editorial board of Believers Church Bible Commentaries and writes for Brethren Press and MennoMedia.

Bob Neff taught Old Testament at Bethany Theological Seminary before accepting a call to serve the denomination as general secretary of the Church of the Brethren. Following his term as general secretary, Bob became president of Juniata College. After retiring from Juniata, Bob served as chaplain and director of development at The Village of Morrisons Cove.

Chris and Bob co-authored the book Luke and Acts: Turning the World Upside Down, published by Brethren Press in 2023.

“Acknowledging Grief, Claiming Hope: Reflections from around the Church of the Brethren”

Tuesday, March 11, 2025
6:30-8:30pm Central

Presenter: Dava Hensley
.2 CEU credit

Course Description and Presenter Information

Please join us for a two-hour conversation with Dava Hensley, 2025 Moderator of the Church of the Brethren. In her role as moderator, Dava has been meeting with people in churches all across the country, and common themes she has identified include grieving our losses—from congregations leaving to dwindling numbers in our churches–yet also the deep commitment to claim our hope in Jesus Christ, and the ways that we look forward to our future of following in Jesus’ steps as disciples committed to making a difference in our neighborhoods. Dava will not only share about what she has learned, but also invite us into the conversation about where we are as a church. It promises to be an authentic, honest, and thoughtful conversation about the state of the church that is nevertheless infused with the hope that leads us forward into the future.

Dava Cruise Hill Hensley grew up in the Eden (N.C.) Church of the Brethren. She earned a B.A. in Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, an M.Div. degree at Bethany Theological Seminary, and recently a Doctor of Ministry at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary. She has served the Lord in the local church, Virlina District, and the Church of the Brethren denomination, as youth leader, VBS director, Sunday school teacher, deacon, moderator for Virlina District, camp counselor, church planter, the Virlina Race Relations Team, and the Church of the Brethren New Church Advisory Committee and Mission and Ministry Board. She was elected Moderator of the denomination for 2025.

“A Place for Everybody: Creating Communities of Belonging”

Saturday, April 5, 2025
10:00am-1:00pm Central Time

Presenter: Jeanne Davies
.3 CEU credit

Course Description and Presenter Information

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul teaches us that the church is the body of Christ and each member contributes their gifts for the good of all. When our faith communities do not fully include people with disabilities, we are not whole. How can we deepen our hospitality and enrich our common life by accommodating needs and affirming gifts, so there is a place for everybody? This course will explore disability theology, models of disability, and practical ways to make our congregations more accessible to all.

Jeanne Davies serves as Executive Director for Anabaptist Disabilities Network. She is ordained in the Church of the Brethren, has an M.Div. from Bethany Theological Seminary, a G.C. in Homiletic Peer Coaching from Vanderbilt Divinity School, and a G.C. in Disability and Ministry from Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Mich. Jeanne has a passion for disability advocacy and inclusion and believes that the whole church benefits when all the members of the Body are actively connected.


Course Registration


All course times are 9 am-noon Central Time unless indicated otherwise.
There is a suggested $25 donation per course.

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About the Courses

Registering online is the preferred method.  There is no charge for courses; however, a suggested donation is invited.

Ventures courses, while not for college credit, offer high-quality instruction. The goal of the program is to empower lay people, especially in smaller congregations, to more effectively carry out the work of discipleship, following in Jesus’ footsteps to transform ourselves and the world. You are invited to journey with others on this new pathway sponsored by McPherson College.

Technology Requirements for Live Courses: If you can surf the web, you will be able to participate in our online courses! For the best experience, we recommend that you have a computer with high-speed internet connection and external powered speakers. We encourage several people to share a computer to participate in a course together! No camera or microphone needed for most courses.